Website Design and Development

Our approach to website design is not by jumping straight into Photoshop and coming up with a design. Instead, we sit and listen. We want to hear you talk about your business, your needs, and your vision.

After that, we think. We work through navigational and usability issues, we examine the marketplace to find out what others are doing that works. We take into account your existing brand and audience.

We ask lots of questions: What is the purpose of the website? Are there any technical requirements or constraints that you know about at this stage? In your opinion what will attract people to the new site? What is the typical profile of visitors to your site?

What are your company colours? Finally, we put pen to paper or should we say mouse to computer.

We love designing beautiful websites that convey both your message and your personality to the online world. We enjoy using images, colours and code to solve your business problems and to increase your visibility.

To get a glimpse of what we've done for our clients, please have a look at our website design portfolio. If you like what you see, contact us.

The planning Process

  • Define the Objective of your Site

    Is it to generate qualified business leads? Offer resources and information to your current customers or the public? Are you launching a new business? Do you want to sell your product or service on the web? Defining your goals will help shape the design, functionality, and marketing plan for your web site.

  • Decide on and Register a Domain Name

    You'll need to find a Domain Name that is available and pay the nominal annual fee (£12.50 a year or less). We're happy to offer advice on choosing a domain name and we can take care of registering your domain for you. If you already have a domain or website, and would like to use our services, we'll take care of transferring your domain for you.

  • Consider Site Features

    Make a list of features you want on the site. Do you want to provide estimates, let visitors shop, accept catalog requests, or publish a calendar of events? Take a look at our portfolio, or search the web for businesses like yours to help you clarify what your own website might provide.

  • Think About the Content For Your Web Site

    Write a short paragraph or sketch a simple drawing of what you want on your home page and how you want it to look. You can use your current print materials if you have them, or simply write out your business ideas and plans. Think about what you want to communicate to website visitors. Come up with topics to cover, such as 'About Us', 'Services', or 'Industry Resources'.

  • Assemble Site Content

    Gather together any text, graphics, your product database, or other materials you want on your website. We can create a website design and build your website using whatever materials you have available.

  • Research the Competition

    Perform searches for similar website businesses. Make notes about features you like or dislike. If you see an appealing design, share it with your designer to give them an insight into your preferences.

  • Develop your Marketing Strategy

    When your website is ready to go, you'll want to let the public know about it! You need to get the word out in as many ways as possible. Add your website address to any printed material you have. Send a letter to all your contacts telling them about your website. One important way to get traffic to your website is through search engines. Think of search keywords and a site description that will help your customers find you in the search engines. We can offer keyword research and search engine optimization services to help get you top listings, as well as other internet marketing tools to help boost traffic to your website.